Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I was talking with my friend, Dan Boyce, the other day at work and he was asking about our upcoming adoption. I told him we were just waiting and didn’t have anymore details. A few hours later, Gi-Gi called me with the news that we would be traveling the first week of January. Later that day I saw Dan again and shared the news with him. He made the statement that he felt like he was a part of the adoption.

Dan was right, he is a part of bringing this child home as are the hundreds of others that have prayed, cared, and loved my family over the past several years. I always talk about the members of Eau Claire Baptist Church feeling like Kendall is theirs because of the time and effort they put into helping me and Georgia bring her home. We are in the same situation again with Presley. I want to thank each and every one of you for the love that we feel everyday. My fellow employees ask constantly about the details of the adoption. I finally have good news to share but I can’t say enough about the friends that we have. We love you and thank you for the support we have received throughout the adoption of Kendall and the upcoming adoption of our sweet Presley.

Continue checking our blog over the next month and I promise to every one of you, my extended family, to keep you up to date with everything we are doing. You are a part of this adoption and the growth of this child. Thank you!

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